Monday 15 February 2010

York Pavilion Hotel Celebrates 21st Birthday


The York Pavilion Hotel, once entertained famous singers such as The Beatles and actors as the home of the honoured composer John Barry OBE, who is best known for composing the James Bond soundtracks.
The hotel was transformed into a classic Georgian House Hotel 21 years ago, when current owners Irene and Andrew Cossins bought the house from John Barry, who then moved to Hollywood!
The hotel is still full of personality and hints at its theatrical past with lavish decor, theatre posters from the past, a piano for entertainment and regular social evenings and celebrations. The hotel’s walls are also decorated with photographs of past special occasions and the owners take pride in keeping the hotel alive with a theatrical atmosphere.
To celebrate the 21st anniversary of the hotel in April, Andrew and Irene Cossins will be hosting a special evening for past guests, staff and supporters of the hotel to thank them for their continued help and support.
During the 21 years the hotel has continued to invest in the beautiful and imposing Georgian House and has extended its number of bedrooms and rooms for special events including weddings which take place in the hotel every week.
Irene Cossins said: “It does not seem long ago that we moved into a rather tired old house and started the long journey of development with the Hotel. We have assembled the best in the market to take the Hotel successfully into its next phase of the story.”

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